
Sugar specialities

Belgosuc produces semi-finished products from selected natural sugars. These are sold in everything from bulk to small packs. Belgosuc focuses on an artisanal and industrial food industry with its own range and customised products.

  • we sweeten the food industry with our outstanding quality


    about belgosuc

    Belgosuc aims for excellence. Indeed top quality – not just in our products but also in our production processes and in our company – is our goal. Ever finer, more meticulous and more efficient... That is why we constantly invest in innovation, in extensive quality control and in developing original products.

  • The continual growth of our business owes nothing to chance. As well as taking constant care over the quality of products, innovation, sustainability and flexibility are the main ingredients of our success. In our laboratories we continue to develop new products that respect nature and meet our clients' needs.

    Revolutionary through innovation

    Our infrastructure and production lines are high-tech. This not only enables us to meet tight lead times, but also to make first-rate products at competitive prices which appeal to clients.

  • inside belgosuc

    inside belgosuc
    inside belgosuc
    inside belgosuc
  • Those who work with a natural product also have to be kind to nature itself. That is why we strive to organise our production in the most sustainable way possible, with the utmost respect for the environment. And that begins with the careful selection and quality control of raw ingredients.

    Respect for people and the environment

    The production process as such is subject to the strictest health and safety standards (meeting the Food Safety System Certification FSSC 22000 criteria). But for us, sustainability is about much more than that. We are forward thinking in terms of transport, energy reduction, recycling and waste management. Finally, we build long-term relationships with our clients. We aim to be a reliable partner in all the market sectors in which we operate.

  • Our products are highly sought after by a varied portfolio of clients. This is no coincidence. We are committed to building personal relationships with all our customers, whatever their line of business, and we regularly ask them about their needs so we can continue to serve them in the best way possible. It is only like this that we are able to come up with

    We have close ties with our customers

    products that meet our clients' needs perfectly and that we are able to contribute to the manufacture of a high-quality end product whether for humans or animals. Being in close contact with the client is perhaps the most important ingredient in a successful and lasting relationship.

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